From Mexico to Mastering Sales with Charlie Coad


Nicole Copestake

From Mexico to Mastering Sales with Charlie Coad

“Anyone can do it, especially if you have amazing equipment to help you step up in the online space like Nexstand”

In our latest IG Live interview Charlie Coad from UK Closers shares his unconventional path into sales. From a chance encounter in Mexico to becoming a successful high-ticket remote sales professional, Charlie's story is a testament to the power of human connection, charisma and the willingness to embrace challenges head-on– with a cheeky smile.

An Englishman Walks into a Bar

Charlie didn’t intend on getting into sales initially– but like all great adventures while travelling, the best ones are unexpected and often begin in the bar. 

“I moved to Mexico with a girl I met in Ibiza. I was broke, but I was having so much fun, so I didn't really care. And then one day, someone said to me, go to this bar…Someone said to me, what are you doing for work? I had no work. And he was like, how are you making money? I'm not making any money. He's like, wow, so you need a job?"

That chat at the bar kicked off Charlie's wild ride into remote sales, selling fitness plans on social media. No experience? No problem. Charlie's natural charm and easy-going vibe made those first sales a breeze. 

Spend just a few minutes with the guy, and you'll get it – he's got charisma for days and most importantly, a genuine approach to conversation. 

“I went to the office, shadowed a few calls, closed my first couple deals, and then I was like, Ah, so this is remote sales, right? It was mental. I found it relatively easy because I didn't understand. I think when you first start something, and you don't know so much, you do quite well because they're not trying to be clever, you're not trying to use word tracks, you're not trying to be over the top."

He jumped in with both feet and never looked back.

Early Sales Experiences

Reflecting on his early days in sales, Charlie recalls the naivety he had towards remote work. It’s an easy misconception that a lot of remote workers make. The freedom seems so good, how can the pay possibly be amazing? 

But as Charlie and countless other online entrepreneurs prove, the higher paychecks are always there if you're willing to grind for it. Despite a rocky start financially, Charlie now racks up hefty sales commissions from high-ticket remote sales in the thousands.

“The money wasn't that good then, because I was literally getting like 5% per deal, and sometimes those deals were literally 200 pounds. So on the bottom end, I was getting 20 quid a call, and it's crazy. Looking back on it, that's what I was living off.”


Top Tip for Virtual Pitches: Bring the Energy

Charlie emphasises the importance of understanding the client's needs and meeting them where they are at. He stresses the role of energy in sales, suggesting that high energy can compensate for a lack of formal training. 

"Sales is a transfer of energy. So if you're on low energy and you're on a call with someone else with low energy, the likelihood is that conversation is going to be a low energy conversation, and if you're asking someone to do something that they probably wouldn't have done, it's difficult if their energy is quite low."

Maintaining high energy levels during remote sales calls can be challenging, but it's essential for keeping the client engaged and motivated. 

By bringing enthusiasm and passion to the conversation, salespeople can create a positive, dynamic atmosphere that encourages clients to take action.

"I think the main thing is you've got to understand who that person is. What do they mean? Meet them where they're at and really identify what kind of problems, issues that they might have."

This client-centric focus, combined with infectious energy, can be the key to closing deals in the digital age.

Building Confidence in Sales

Charlie believes that confidence is a skill that can be honed through repetition and mastery. It's about knowing your craft inside and out, and being comfortable with the possibility of things not always going according to plan.

"I think confidence really just stems from doing one thing over and over again to the point where you know you're very good at it. It’s like knowing something is so risky, and might not go very well, but still being absolutely fine."

But what if you're not a natural-born killer at sales? No worries, says Charlie. Confidence can be learned and taught, even if it doesn't come as easily to some as it does to others. It's all about putting in the work and facing your fears head-on.

"Riz can be learned and taught. I think some people are born with it, and that's great, but you can still do it 100%"

Charlie's secret to building unshakable confidence in sales? It's not just about what happens during the sales call itself. It's about who you are and what you do outside of those high-pressure moments. 

The way you carry yourself in your everyday life is a direct reflection of how you'll perform when the heat is on.

"The way that you're confident in sales has actually nothing to do with sales. Forget sales for a minute. What are you doing outside of that sales call? What are you doing outside of your meetings? Because the person you are outside is the same person you're going to be inside, except there's going to be more pressure, meaning that sales sometimes is going to be a mirror."

So, if you want to exude confidence in your sales career (or any career for that matter), start by working on yourself. 

Develop a strong sense of self, cultivate your passions, and face your fears in all areas of life. When you bring that authentic, self-assured version of yourself to the sales floor, you'll be unstoppable.

Product Knowledge vs. Client Engagement:

Charlie's hot take on whether product knowledge is king is that sometimes, knowing too much can actually trip you up.

"I'm on the side that says you don't need loads of product knowledge, because, just like we said at the start, when you know loads, you try and flaunt when you have an abundance of knowledge, you try and use different tricks, different tactics and different strategies."

When you're a walking encyclopaedia of your product, it's easy to fall into the trap of showing off. But all those bells and whistles? They can just overcomplicate things and make you lose sight of the real MVP: the client.

"If you only know a little bit, you're only going to be talking about a little bit so you can't really mess it up. And if you have pretty much product knowledge, sometimes you'll say things that are completely unnecessary."

If you're not trying to dazzle with your expertise, you're more likely to keep things simple and on-track. No need to bombard the client with a bunch of random facts they don't need.

Very Supportive, Very Mindful – With Nexstand

Charlie recently got his hands on the Nexstand Laptop Stand and was thoroughly impressed with its performance. When asked how he found the K2 so far he replied; 

"Yeah, brilliant. Very easy, very simple as well and very supportive. My other one [laptop stand] was very flimsy as well, and it didn't really stand up. And sometimes when you're on Zoom calls and the laptop will drop off, it's a bit of an embarrassing moment. So the Nexstand for me has just helped me!”

He appreciates how the stand's sturdiness and reliability eliminate the worry of embarrassing mishaps during video calls, allowing him to focus on his work and maintain a professional image. 

The ease of use and convenience of the stand also make it a valuable tool for remote workers like Charlie, who value products that seamlessly integrate into their daily routines.

What’s Next for the Biz-Riz Kid of Sales?

Charlie's got big plans on the horizon, and he's all about teaming up with the best in the business.

"I'm going to do more collaborations with entrepreneurs, people that have already done what I want to do, so I can learn about the process, share that with my audience."

Charlie's not just about his own success –He's on a mission to share his knowledge and help others crush it in the world of remote sales. That's where his growing UK Closers community comes in. It's a space where aspiring sales stars can learn the ropes, swap tips, and level up their game.

"I think it's just constant learning, evolving, growing, and seeing really what modern day entrepreneurs are doing, like optimising their life for their lifestyle, not just their work, but their health, their brand."

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