Do You Use a Laptop Stand? Here’s Why You Should Always Use a Separate Keyboard and Mouse

Nicole Copestake

Do you use a laptop stand? Let’s talk about why using a separate keyboard and mouse is essential.
Watch the video below to learn why a separate keyboard and mouse are essential for your workspace!
Why a Separate Keyboard and Mouse Matter
Picture this: You're using a laptop stand, like the Nexstand K1, perfect for elevating your screen to eye level. Sounds great, right? But are you still typing on your laptop's keyboard instead of using a separate one? You could be setting yourself up for some serious wrist pain, shoulder aches, and even some costly time off work.
The problem happens when you’re typing on a laptop keyboard that you’ve set up on a stand, and you’re not using a separate keyboard.
Many less effective laptop stands will only raise your screen height two or three inches, well below where you need your screen to be. And they still leave your wrists in risky extension, if you aren't using a separate keyboard and mouse! Suggestions that you can change the stand height regularly don't combat the fact that your wrist extension is still happening, and pain and time off work are more likely to occur.
Let’s face it, using a laptop like this is awkward - it forces your wrists into an unnatural position and we just aren’t meant to type like that. The wrist extension it causes can lead to discomfort and can eventually trigger conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injuries (RSI). And trust us, you don’t want that!
So, when you use your laptops for hours, it's crucial to maintain a neutral wrist position.
We asked James Crow from Posture Stars how often he sees this problem.
“I’m pleased to see more and more people using laptop stands at work and at home – the message is really getting through. But there’s a key mistake that some people are still making - they aren’t using a separate keyboard and mouse. Personally, I think all laptops should come with a health warning – this product is made to be used with a laptop stand, keyboard and mouse. Working without these can negatively affect your health!”
Here’s how you can keep things ergonomic and comfy:
While we’re here, let’s quickly go over how to get the perfect set-up.
- Invest in a laptop stand and a separate keyboard and mouse.
- Make sure your keyboard is flat on the work surface, with your forearms parallel to the floor, and your mouse is close by.
- Position your screen well: The top of your screen should be at eye level, about an arm’s length away. Use a laptop stand like the Nexstand K1 to help.
Whether you’re at a corporate desk, home office, or a shared workspace, these little changes can make a huge difference.
And let’s look at good ergonomics, for both sitting and standing with a laptop…
Sitting Down
- Chair Setup: If you can, try to ensure your chair has good lumbar support. Sit back with your hips slightly above your knees and your feet flat on the floor.
- Keyboard and Mouse Placement: Think ‘B for belly button’ and align the 'B' key with your belly button.
- Wrist Alignment: Keep your wrists neutral, and your forearms parallel to the floor.
- Screen Height: Aim for your screen’s top edge to be around eye height – a stand like the Nexstand K1 Fiber Laptop Stand is a great idea because it helps you raise that screen.
Standing Up
- Forearm Position: Your forearms should remain parallel to the floor.
- Keyboard and Mouse Near to You: Keep these within easy reach, think ‘B for belly button’ and align the 'B' key with your belly button, and stand tall for great posture.
- Screen Setup: Just like sitting, the top of the screen should be at eye height and an arm’s length away.
Q: Why is it important to maintain a neutral wrist position?
A: Holding your wrists straight minimizes the risk of straining your median nerve, and helps prevents carpal tunnel syndrome and other strain injuries called RSI’s.
Q: How can I ensure my workspace setup is ergonomic?
A: Follow the tips above for chair height, keyboard, mouse placement, and screen positioning for both sitting and standing setups.
Q: What are common mistakes when using a laptop stand?
A: Typing directly on the laptop keyboard and having the screen too far or too close are common mistakes.
Q: What are the warning signs I need to improve ergonomic setup?
A: Tingling in the fingers, wrist pain, or shoulder and neck discomfort can be indicators of poor ergonomics.
Conclusion: Do You Use A Laptop Stand? Always Use A Separate Keyboard and Mouse!
By taking these steps, you'll be safeguarding your health and comfort in the long run. Investing in a separate keyboard and mouse not only enhances your productivity but also prevents those hidden pains from catching up with you.
Take a moment to rethink your whole setup. Aim to make working at your laptop as safe and comfortable as possible. Next time you sit down or stand to use your laptop, tell yourself: Always use a separate keyboard and mouse! It only takes a second and can save months or years of pain!